Hearing Notice: Rogelio Vasquez, #31907
The College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta is responsible under the Health Professions Act for protecting the public from unethical, unskilled, and unsafe nursing practice. Under this authority, some complaints of unprofessional conduct result in a formal Hearing before a Hearing Tribunal, consisting of LPNs appointed by Council and public members appointed by government. This is the notice of such a Hearing.
Learn More About Complaints
An investigation has been held into a complaint against Rogelio Vasquez (Reg.#31907), LPN, and pursuant to s 66(1) and 69 of the Health Professions Act, a Hearing will take place on the date below.
If you have any prior knowledge with regards to the incident; the LPN in question; have worked at or are affiliated with Aspen House; or if there is any other possible conflict of interest, please contact the Hearings Director immediately.
The Hearing will be held:
09:00 hours, March 4, 2025
via Videoconference using Zoom
In accordance with s 78 of the Health Professions Act, the Hearing will be open to the public unless the Hearing Tribunal accepts a motion or application to close the Hearing.
Due to limited seating, you must pre-register to attend a Hearing by contacting the Hearings Director at hearings@clpna.com or call 780-484-8886, 1-800-661-5877 (toll free in Alberta).