LPN News

February 3, 2025 | Regulated Members

LPN Education: Frequently Asked Questions

Alberta’s Health Professions Act provides the CLPNA with the authority to approve practical nurse education programs for the purposes of registration requirements. In addition, the Licensed Practical Nurse Profession Regulation requires the CLPNA to approve advanced training for the purposes of performing restricted activities associated with the provision of care in advanced practice areas.

What is the CLPNA’s role in LPN education?

The CLPNA approves and monitors practical nursing education, namely diploma, advanced practice, and refresher programs.

The refresher program supports a return to practice for individuals who were previously registered with the CLPNA but are no longer eligible for Active registration.

 A list of approved programs can be found on our website.

Where can LPNs take courses in areas of advanced practice?

LPNs are only required to take advanced training or education if they are going to perform in an area of advanced practice. An LPN must receive advanced authorization by the CLPNA’s Registrar prior to practicing in the following areas of advanced practice:

  • Advanced Practice Foot Care
  • Advanced Practice Perioperative Nursing
  • Advanced Practice Orthopedic Nursing

Where can individuals take a refresher program?

Currently, Lethbridge Polytechnic is the only refresher program in Alberta. It is a distance learning program and can be accessed from anywhere in the province.

Individuals in Alberta who wish to return to LPN practice will require a referral from the CLPNA to apply and be admitted to Lethbridge Polytechnic’s Practice Nurse Refresher program. Interested applicants are encouraged to connect with the CLPNA.

Does the CLPNA offer training for any specific clinical activities?

As part of its mandate, the CLPNA approves practical nurse diploma, advanced practice, and refresher programs. However, we do not evaluate, approve, or recommend hands-on or practical training other than what is outlined in regulation as requiring advanced authorization. Therefore, the CLPNA does not evaluate or approve training in practice areas such as aesthetic nursing, wound care, or phlebotomy. LPNs should reach out to their employer for hands-on training.

The CLPNA offers theoretical learning for certain restricted activities and learning modules and videos to support LPN continuing competence in regulatory topics such as privacy legislation and LPN scope of practice. These are listed on the Knowledge Hub.

Webinars on various topics are also offered frequently. Check the news for upcoming webinar registration information or subscribe to the CLPNA’s monthly newsletter

Where do LPNs find additional education to further their careers or enhance their knowledge?

The CLPNA has several self-study learning modules on a variety of topics that can help enhance a registrant’s knowledge in areas of regulation. An employer may also offer on-the-job training related to the LPN role in their setting.

Further opportunities, such as conferences and workshops, may be found through professional associations. Other courses may be found through various educational institutions.



or call 1-800-661-5877 (toll-free in Alberta) or 780-484-8886.