CTA Demo Page

Questions about Continuing Competency Program or CCP Audit?

Looking for further guidance?

Contact Practice through Ask CLPNA
or call 1-800-661-5877.

Questions about HCA regulation?

For the most up-to-date information on HCA regulation, details on what this means for you as an HCA and HCA employers, and more, please sign up to receive emails.

Questions about about registration?

Contact Registration through ask CLPNA
or call 1-800-661-5877.

Questions about about professional practice?

Contact Practice through Ask CLPNA
or call 1-800-661-5877.

Questions About Registration?

Contact Registration through Ask CLPNA
or call 1-800-661-5877.

Questions about restricted activities or advanced practice?

Contact Practice through Ask CLPNA
or call 1-800-661-5877.


Contact Professional Development through Ask CLPNA
or call 1-800-661-5877.



or call 1-800-661-5877 (toll-free in Alberta) or 780-484-8886.

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Questions about Continuing Competence or CCP Audit?

Contact Continuing Competence through Ask CLPNA
or call 1-800-661-5877.