LPN News

May 29, 2024 | Public, Council

Council 2023 Year in Review

The Council of the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta (CLPNA) is responsible for the governance of the organization and the oversight of management. The Council guides the CLPNA’s strategic direction; evaluates the performance of the CEO; approves practical nurse education programs; and monitors and approves objectives, policies, and financial results.

Council membership consists of 50% regulated members (appointed in accordance with the Bylaws), and 50% public members (appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council pursuant to the Health Professions Act), and non-voting or ex officio members of Council (as set out in the Bylaws).

2023 Council Activities

Council Governance

In 2023, the Council undertook a full revision of their governance policies to better align with the CLPNA’s legislated mandate and the current regulatory system.

The Council Resolutions Committee was also dissolved. This change is due to the removal of the requirement to have an annual general meeting, which is in alignment with Bill 46.

The Council also established the HCA Advisory Committee in 2023. This committee will provide insight into the future HCA profession and feedback on matters that intersect with HCA regulation.


Under Bill 46, authorization for regulated health professionals to independently perform restricted activities was moved from each college’s professional regulation to the Health Professions Restricted Activities Regulation (HPRAR), which came into force on April 1, 2023. Moving these authorizations did not involve any practice changes.


In 2023, the CLPNA Council made a number of bylaw amendments. These included changing quorum for Council meetings from two-thirds to one-half, removing the requirement for CLPNA to hold an annual general meeting, and changing the fiscal year to December 1 – November 30. Provisions were also added, specifically those related to:

  • permit renewal requirements, including clarifying the minimum type of information that must be provided by registrants;
  • good character and reputation;
  • English language requirements; and
  • a requirement for registrants to hold professional liability insurance separate from their registration fees; the insurance must include coverage for conduct proceedings expenses.

Standards of Practice and Registrant Policies

In 2023, the Council adopted the following standards of practice, which are now published:

  • amendments to the Standards of Practice for Licensed Practical Nurses on Supervising the Performance of Restricted Activities to incorporate provisions currently in the LPN Regulation,
  • the Standards of Practice for Licensed Practical Nurses on the Continuing Competence Program, and
  • amendments to the Standards of Practice on Boundary Violations to incorporate standards mandated under the Health Professions (Protecting Women and Girls) Amendment Act, 2022.

In addition, two registrant policies were updated and approved by Council in 2023: English Language Proficiency and Actively Engaged Requirements for Registration.

Current Council Membership

Kurtis Kooiker, LPN

President, Regulation Member

Ashley Cesar, LPN

Vice-President, Regulated Member

Jennifer Peace, LPN

Regulated Member

Tiffany Smith, LPN

Regulated Member

Kimberley Mansbridge, LPN

Regulated Member

Maydie Noel, LPN

Regulated Member

Linda Osinchuk

Public Member

Lisa Stebbins

Public Member


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